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  • trgoertzen

Attempting to write a book...

Over a year ago, I met with a publisher about a book idea.

At that time, I was still a middle school principal and wanted to write a devotional for school leaders.

I had no formal writing space where I could get away and work...So, I built one in the garage.

Even though my fingers were numb on many occasions during the winter months, I found the location peaceful and invigorating to work from.

As the book developed, it felt exciting to do something that felt bigger than oneself. Christian devotionals for school leaders were unknown to me before I created my book. So, I made a run at it....

Here is my intro and outline...

Leadership from the Principals Desk

a weekly devotional for school leaders

By [trevor goertzen]


The role of the school principal is vast and challenging. In the making of hundreds of daily decisions and personal investments in the lives of students, staff, parents, and the community, the work of a leader can be isolating. A close friend once reminded me, “it is lonely at the top.” A building leader can easily slip into a place of feeling like no one can recognize their plight. In my first year as a building leader, there were many moments where I felt my grasp slipping and the joy of leading disappearing. The building principalship quickly became everything I did not want it to be. I spent all my time feeling as though I was trapped in a cyclone of chaos. Student discipline, staff challenges, parent needs, district office wants. I was not the leader and principal I knew I could be and wanted to be. In the challenging moments, I yearned for the support and winsome of experienced leaders. I craved the word of God and connections to my role as a leader. I wanted to learn from other leaders' experiences in administration. I wanted to know how to thrive in school and have scripture to guide me along the way. Leaders are developed and built through the experiences and lessons of like-minded peers. God’s word is full of clear direction and wisdom to carry a leader forward today and every day!

In this weekly devotional book & reflection journal, readers will receive lessons of encouragement, contemplation, support, and guidance to provide the reader with a spiritual base to navigate the challenges of being a building leader. Each season of leadership is broken down into four groups: Building your leadership, Maintaining your leadership, Sustaining your leadership, and Thriving as a leader.

Hebrews 4:12 tells us that the Word of God is powerful and effective, and followers of God know the benefits of biblical study. By applying the lessons of God’s word with the practical experience from an experienced educator and school leader, God’s word can transform lives and equip leaders. The bible is full of leadership lessons and stories that will guide the day-to-day work of school administrators.


Chapter Descriptions/Outline

Each chapter will include an entire verse of scripture, 2-3 bible citations, a story or practical lesson from a school principal, and journaling that allows for yearly reflection. Each chapter will follow the natural flow of a school year and the seasonal challenges faced by all school leaders.


August-Season One, Building Your Leadership

*Knowing who you are.

-Examine your core values and purpose as a leader at the start of the year. To be your best, you must know who you are.

*Why do you lead

-Leaders know why they lead and have a driving purpose for their work. Identity and share your driving “Why.”

*Casting a vision

-Where do you want to take the team, and how you will get there. How will you provide your team a clarity that helps the staff see the “why” and get on board with the school's vision?

*Rallying the team

-Leaders have to have the ability to rally their team toward that common & shared vision.


September-Season One, Building Your Leadership

*Navigating setbacks

-When the plans fail, as they may, how will you navigate the challenges you face?

*Staying the course

-Each of us will feel pressure to change and adjust our personal and professional boundaries. How can you stay the course when the pressures around you are pushing in a different direction.

*Supporting changes

-Leaders must be flexible and willing to adapt to the needs of those around them. When the team is pushing and asking you for a different course, will you listen & adjust or stay the course?


-When the team is ready to move and pivot in a different direction or pathway, support and help guide the process.


October-Season Two, Maintaining Your Leadership


-Leadership forces you to FIP IT! First Important Priority. Look at each situation and be ready to prioritize in your personal and professional life.


-Leadership is lonely, and attempting to go at this path by yourself can be exhausting. Stay connected and engaged with your closet team first and foremost!

*Developing faith

-The bible tells us that Faith is the evidence of things unseen…how is your daily being developed in the daily interactions you experiences as a leader?

*Your community of faith

*Surround yourself with like-minded and supportive people to encourage and help you maintain your heart as a leader and Christian.


November-Season Two, Maintaining Your Leadership


-Leadership includes doing the little things well. Like managing your resources to support the things that matter the most in your building, student learning!

*Handling challenging discipline

-Recognize the deeper needs of students when approaching discipline situations. All students have a story and why. Take the time to learn it and understand it.


-Recognize the aspects of your leadership and school that you can be proud of. This action must be a continual process of seeing the good in all kids and staff.


-Having a spirit of gratitude impacts those around you as your heart is seen in the service and support of others. Gratitude manifests itself in many ways.


December-Season Two, Maintaining Your Leadership

*Holiday balance

-The holiday season brings additional stresses to many lives. Keep your priorities in mind as you navigate school and personal life and work to avoid both physical and emotional neglect in yourself.


-Your students, staff & community have physical, emotional & social needs. Look for ways during the holiday season to partner with and support your families in need.


-Giving occurs in many ways as a leader. Time, resources, emotional support. Find ways to give to those closest to and those distant from you.

*Closure & Reflection

-As a year concludes, define the aspects that you recognized growth and development and the areas you still want to grow.


January-Season Three, Sustain Your Leadership

*A fresh start

-The start of a new calendar year beckons one to launch forward both personally and professionally. A new semester is a perfect time to reestablish school-wide routines & expectations for students & staff.


-Take the time to look at your first semester and utilize a “start, stop, continue” process with your staff leadership investing in ways to improve and grow as a team & school.


-As you and your team establish a renewed vigor and passion for your staff & students, what adjustments will you make, and how will you achieve what needs to be completed.

*Failure & growth

-Recognizing areas your leadership is failing can be agonizing and refreshing. Like pulling back the curtain and seeing the reality of a situation, once identified, step up and lead. You cannot complain about what you were not willing to change.


February-Season Three, Sustain Your Leadership

*Finding the joy

-School leadership brings challenges & struggles that can weigh down even the most seasoned administration. Hope and joy can come as you look at the small victories and successes occurring in your building. Be proud of the little things that are going well.

*The dark days

-As the winter months persist, the ability to forge ahead can be more and more challenging. Surround yourself with those that uplift and encourage you. Stay away from the negative influences that look to rob you of joy.

*Sustaining when it's hard

-Remember your “why” from August. Go back and spend some time sitting in the presence of your passions and what brings you energy. You choose what to surround your thoughts and heart with…choose wisely!

*Moving to the light

-One small habit and one small step at a time for your personal growth and school success. The slight movement toward the positives is to be celebrated above all else; avoid the negative direction of feeling like you didn’t do enough.


March-Season Three, Sustain Your Leadership


-Bringing on new staff to support the school's vision is one of the most pivotal roles in leadership. Knowing the qualities of a teacher and the personality traits you need allows you to select a top teacher for your community.

*Non-Renewing a Contract

-Leaders must be courageous enough to move staff on who do not meet the expectations set forth by a school. Although the decision will be challenging when done for the betterment of students, it's the right thing to do!

*A break

-Spring break comes at the right moment for every educator. A time to breathe deeply and prepare for the final push of a school year. Step away and spend time with those that you work so hard for!

*Maintain the good

-Greatness only occurs when you do the little things well and maintain daily discipline in doing what is working and abandoning what is not working.


April-Season Four, A Thriving Leader

*Staying the course

-When you know why you serve as a leader, your mission is clear so that all your decisions align with your mission. Stay the course as the year nears completion, and your resolve starts to fade.


-It's back again! We come to the assessment season like your taxes that return year after year. Utilize this time as a celebration for the hard work of your students and staff. Assessments are a way to validate the work of your team.

*Investing in kids

-Invest in your students as people and individuals. Take the time to know who they are as people and celebrate their interests by creating opportunities for students to shine.


-The life of a principal is not without its sacrifices, both professionally and personally. Take notice of your head and heart. What changes do you need to make to allow you to be suitable for those you love and serve.


May-Season Four, A Thriving Leader

*Plow to the edge of the field\

-A superintendent once told me that the good ones “plow to the edge of the field,” they keep going even when the end nears. Stay consistent and steady in your daily discipline, student support, and communication as the years near completion.


-Early May is Teacher Appreciation week. This is a time to recognize your staff more intentionally and deliberately than usual for their service to kids.


-Celebrate your student's hard work and achievement. All schools need traditions and common ways of recognizing their folks. Ensure you take the time to celebrate your students, staff & school community.

*Looking ahead!

-As the summer working months come near, have a vision for your non-student days. Maximize the time you have for planning and building for the year. Reflect on your successes & failures. Embrace the good and negative in ways that allow you to grow personally and professionally!


When I started working from home in the summer of 2023, my wife and I built a new office space in the basement, and its incredible.

Even though the new workspace is a little better, and I don't get as cold...the book development has stalled for the time being...but not been forgotten.

As of now, I have been turned down by three publishers, and my efforts have slowed to a halt.

There will be a time when the process will resume and the book will be written.

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