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Fighting Darkness - An Ongoing Battle

A year ago, a close friend passed on to be with the Lord.

While the memories are still fresh in many ways, the times and conversations shared, the laughs, and the friendship lingerings are strong. I miss him.


I know that there are battles we all fight.

Battles of the flesh.


Battle of the mind.

Battles that we create because of our insecurities and stupidy in decision making and battles that come to us without our permission.

Battles with an inner darkness that, when unchecked, is solid and deceptive.
Lying to you that you will never overcome the despair and hopelessness in your current state.

I still have moments that feel like the creeping of darkness is slowly invading my mind.

I have come to accept that I will always have a semblance of the invasive thoughts. Almost like the door was opened, and it'll always be open.

Only a few years back, I'd scoffed at the notion of a "darkness" invading my mind; I'd have dismissed the reality of ever-present hopeless thoughts..that'll never happen to me... came to me.

I did not ask the darkness in and I almost let it win.

If you have seen the show, Stranger Things, a scene in season 4 shook me to the core, as it is almost exactly how I have felt when battling my inner darkness.

One of the main characters is attempting to flee from the evil trying to take her soul to steal everything she loves away from her...she tries to flee, and the darkness follows..

Watch at your discretion...its a little intense

As the show progresses and the characters prevail over the evil it is through community and relationship that they defeat the enemy.

When we know one another sincerely, we can support each other.

In a more connected world than ever, we are more alone than ever before...more afraid that someone will find out we don't have our lives together or know how to handle the day-to-day challenges we face.

Do not give in to the lies the evil one tells you.


HOW do we Fight The Darkness...

I'm a believer in Jesus. I believe Jesus is the ONLY thing that will give peace.

Stand in community with others and open your voice with those you love. Never be a victim or blame others.

Tell others the pain you feel—the darkness you have.

We need one another.

DO NOT Fight The Darkness that rages war in your heart and soul alone.

If you ever find yourself fighting the darkness alone.....

  • Call me - Text me

  • 913-439-8407

DO NOT Fight The Darkness that rages war in your heart and soul alone.



The University of Nebraska has a pre-game "prayer" that the players complete before games...

Can't be BEAT...Won't be BEAT

My battle cry...

Dear Lord, the battles we go through in life,

We ask for a chance that's fair,

A chance to equal our stride,

A chance to do or dare,

If we should win, let it be by the code,

Faith and Honor held high,

If we should lose, we'll stand by the road,

And cheer as the winners go by.

Day by Day, we get better and better!

The team that can't be beat, WON'T BE BEAT!

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