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  • trgoertzen

Clear Blue Skies

There is something special about a clear blue sky. A calming mood that overcomes you while staring mindlessly into the deepness...where you see nothing but the simplicity of...well, life.

I do not often fully recognize the perfection of a blue sky. The flawless expanse that sits in front of me can give me a feeling of smallness and insignificance. When you look at the natural world around you, the trees that have thrived through years and years of nature battery, the grass that comes back despite the searing heat and weeks/months of limited moisture.

God's creation does not need us. God's creation will move forward with or without my admiration. Yet, when I take the time to recognize all God has created, my sense of place and purpose can be recognized for a moment.

I am moving through life with purpose. God has placed me here and now for a purpose. Seeing the natural world around me helps me recognize that everything is placed for a reason.

The blue sky contrasting with the green trees and the green(ish) grasses show the artistry of God.

When you pause today and look up at the sky, see the perfection that God has made in His natural world.

Then look at your life and know that God has you placed where you are for a reason; you have a purpose and place in the here and now.

There will be cloudy days and dark skies. Good!

It makes the blues look that much bluer!

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