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Feeling Small

Maverick Team,

I'm not sure how best to start this email, so here goes!

I feel small.

On Tuesday, July, 14th, I spent the day with a good friend kayaking the Kansas river. We covered 16miles and experienced some great beauty from two Bald Eagles that sat high atop a Cottonwood tree supervising the river's action, to unique, historical features along the banks. Yet what ultimately set the day apart was how small I felt. I have never kayaked a large river before, and the experience made me realize how the natural world continues to move all around me as if I didn't exist. The river did not care I was on it, the trees, grasses, and animals were going about their business despite my presence on the river. The river was also just BIG! There were moments that we felt miles from both banks and at the mercy of the currents.

As the day moved on, paddle stroke after paddle stroke, we got closer to our goal of completion. Now my legs are a crisp apple red from a failure to use sunscreen lotion, and my arms are beyond sore. The day was excellent. I was entrapped in the beauty of the river, animals, and the surrounding landscape. Through the challenges of the day, the experience, along with a good friend, was well worth it.


Covid-19 has made me feel small!

I've felt like I have little to no control over so many areas of our current situation. I want so bad to be able to snap my fingers and make all plans perfect for teachers, parents, and students and folks to be thrilled with our August plans. Yet, I recognize that it is not possible.

What I do know is that together, we will work through the challenges our opening brings. We will take small steps and "strokes" to provide a meaningful learning experience for our kids and a thriving, positive culture for all.

We will do all we can to ensure YOU are safe.

As your building principal, I must do all I can to support and care for YOU.

Thank you for allowing me to be your building leader, and I"ll see you soon!

Hope & Joy

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