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Guardians of the Galaxy


I watched the movie Guardians of the Galaxy with my oldest son last night. I'll try not to spoil anything if you have been living under a rock and have not seen the movie. In the ending scene, the villain, Ronan, attempts to destroy a civilization utilizing an Infinity Stone (its a powerful object). Just before Ronan can use the stone to bring destruction, Chris Pratt's character Quill starts dancing in an attempt to distract Ronan for a moment while Quill tries to take the Infinity Stone away. Quill is able to grab the Infinity Stone from Ronan and keep him from using it to destroy the people. The challenge is the Infinity Stone yields so much power that it will destroy the ordinary person who touches it. At just the right moment, Quill's friends step in and help him handle the power of the Infinity Stone. Ronan asks, "how can such a mortal not be destroyed by the stone?". Quill responded that alone it would destroy us, but as a team, the Guardians of the Galaxy, we will prevail!!

Check out the clip.....

So, here is my message...

This week has been tough, and our upcoming weeks will be hard. ALL of you are sacrificing in different ways to support both students and your colleagues.

We will have some challenging weeks ahead; there is no sugar coating it!

Alone we will struggle, yet we will make it through when we continue to rally and support one another.

Thank you for how hard you work to bring your best each day. You each are amazing in how you care for your students and colleagues.

Friday, plan on wearing your most comfy and relaxing (school appropriate) clothing...known as Staff Pajama Day (I got some new joggers from PTO that I want to wear!)

Also, stop by the library workroom for Dunkin Donuts & Hot Beverages in the morning.

I am honored to serve with you.


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