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New York - Trying not to look like a tourist when you are constantly awestruck.

When you want to be reminded just how small and insignificant you are...visit New York City. Getting lost in the mass humanity of Flushing, NY, will help settle the need quickly.

Now, I am not afraid of new places and meeting new people; I enjoy it and find the experience invigorating and exciting. But, preparing for a trip to New York was daunting and nerve-wracking.

The work I get to do with Generation Esports has provided opportunities to travel and educate folks about esports. Therefore, last week, I took a trip to participate in an Esports Showcase on Long Island, where I was to present the services we provide for schools in scholastic gaming & curriculum.

The event was the first of its kind on Long Island, where all of the school districts in the area (125 total) were invited to learn about esports in schools. When the trip was initially planned, I had a co-worker attending with me, and it was going to be a short one or two-day event (plans changed, and I went alone).

Yet, as I met more and more folks over the last two months, it became apparent that we needed to make some school visits to connect with the coaches & teachers we had been talking with.

So, plans grew and evolved as new friends suggested making stops at schools and seeing the great work many are doing in NY.

Below are a few short stories and thoughts about the most excellent trip!


What I love most about my job is meeting the students and staff who will be a part of the teams and classes.

The stories of students whose lives have been positively impacted because of the esports team are unending.

Quick story about Richard. Richard was an uninvolved kid when he first attended his freshman year, yet after joining the esports team, his confidence and school attendance rocketed! He went from being shy and nervous at school to being on the swim and esports teams, heading to college for engineering. He would never have considered the path had it not been for his esports coach Dorit and the team's camaraderie.

Every school has a Richard walking the halls that needs a WHY..

With the help of my new friend, Pati, I enjoyed experiences on Long Island, highlighting the beauty of the beaches and the ocean. Much to my surprise, the Statue of Liberty was nowhere near.

Growing up on a farm in rural Nebraska and not spending much time near an ocean, I am still awestruck each time I near the roar of the waves. An overwhelming feeling of reverence comes over me when I gaze out at the vast and open expanse of water. The beaches of Long Island were full of smooth sand and substantial open would be easy to get lost in the freedom the area provided.

After my time on Long Island, I rode back to the city on the Long Island Rail Road (LIRR), visiting additional schools and surrounded by new friends.

Esports coaches & advocates, Karen, Tom, Dorit, Jason...

School leaders like Pati, Moses, Navi, Tenesha,

A very nice college professor I met on the train (I forgot her name)

Jose and & Tony are two of the most fabulous fellas a guy can call friends, helping bring esports CTE pathways to students in NYC.

The people of New York were incredible. As a result of their hospitality and willingness to share their city and experiences with me, I gain a deeper understanding of the power of serving a common purpose.

What is the common purpose & mission?

Helping kids find their purpose and meaning in school.

Final thoughts...

If you're willing to take a chance on the unknown, and if you're willing to go in a new and challenging direction...


The book of Proverbs talks about the power of sending good into the world and how that same goodness will be returned...

One who pursues righteousness and loyalty, Finds life, righteousness, and honor. Proverbs 21

The promise from God has even more meaning to me now. Don't fear the unknown; trust in His path and plans for you.

NYC was frightening to think about, yet what was learned was the importance of being open and willing to embrace the challenges before us and try

.... try...

Now, what we all are waiting for when you think of New York!

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