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Old Friends & Boomerangs

Friends are an essential part of life, and it is crucial to maintain strong connections with them. How we interact with our friends can significantly impact our lives, so developing meaningful, thoughtful relationships with them is essential. However, with our ever-changing, busy lives, it can be challenging to stay connected with friends.

In the last week, I celebrated a friend (Charlie) of 15yrs who had just completed his Doctoral dissertation from the University of Kansas and spent time on the phone with a high school friend whom I hadn't spoken with in almost 20yrs.

Talking to Luke took me back to a "mostly" carefree time in high school...when my evenings consisted of listing to MXPX, and POD, cruising the town square and skating.

While reminiscing is fantastic, real excitement comes in the development and growth of friendship.

Men need friends, and in a world increasingly void of genuine relationships, one must prioritize and put time into others.

In July, at the encouragement of my cousin Trent, I started attending a men's workout group called F3. - F3 Kansas City | Fitness | Fellowship | Faith (

It's a daily, outdoor, men's boot camp style workout. The workouts are led and rotating with a new fella taking charge each day. While I am not as consistent as I like, in the last month, I have taken on the charge more regularly...

**at the encouragement from men in the group (Grape Nuts, Share the Road & Pusher) week, I will lead my first Q.

It's time to give back and start leading.

The workouts are great, yet the ongoing camaraderie sets the group apart.

In the Fall, a small group at our church decided to start a similar weekly outdoor fitness and fellowship session. Our kids join us, and we get after it each week.

**Disclaimer** We have transitioned to a small indoor bible study for the winter, but in March, we'll get back outside for the workouts again.

We are not as hardcore as the regular F3 crowd.


How are you investing in friends?

Do you dig in and get involved with others??


Proverbs shares a strong message in chapter 21, verse 21...

Whoever pursues justice and treats others with kindness discovers true life marked by integrity and respect.

Like a boomerang...

What you give out to those around you will be what is returned to you.

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