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  • trgoertzen

Slow Progress


On a walk recently, I was struck by the way nature works. The leaves in many trees were starting to turn a deep red and orange; it's beautiful!

Yet, it's crazy to me how different each leaf can be and how the change for each leaf is unique. In the midst all the green leafs there is a few trying to turn....then in the midst of a tree of red leaves, there are a few still holding on. I know there is scientific reasons for all this...not going there...

It does strike me how hard change is and how slow change can be. We serve in the people world, and people (as you each can attest), have ways of doing things day to day. We have habits and actions that have become part of who we are and our normal daily nature. Many of our habits are great and positive and beneficial to the greater good of ourselves and those around us. On the other side are habits that can be self-destructive and not productive.

So, how do you work toward positive and productive change...even when things around you are not....

In the book Atomic Habits, author James Clear talks about the importance of surrounding yourself with others that will support your direction. That we adopt the habits of things approved and praised by those around us (both physically and online). So, if we want change to happen, think about what we surround ourselves with each day...what messages and people do we allow to infiltrate our mind. Each day we choose how we will be...I have to choose my attitude and response to what is happening around me. I recently heard a short clip of an administrator talking about "chasing smiles" each day. He intentionally looks for the joy around him. I had to do that on Monday....So, when I was covering a class, I looked for the joy of the kids in the room, and it was there, joy in the kids. I still have work that must be done and challenges all around. You have challenges all around that need to be addressed and, let's do it. Together.

The cool air is finally here, the leaves are changing and you are making a difference in kids lives every day.

Thank you.


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