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  • trgoertzen

Snow storms and verification

Updated: Nov 28, 2022

I flew to western New York this weekend for a New York state technology conference (NYSCATE). Before traveling, a HISTORIC snowstorm was hitting western NY. Many folks were nervous about the travel with news-driven fears of the enormous storm...

Buffalo, NY, received over 77 inches of snow!

Yet, only a few miles to the east in Rochester, NY.....not a lick of snow existed.

*from my plane window*

As always, just because you see it on the news doesn't mean it's as reported.

Ronald Regan once famously said while talking to Mikhail Gorbachev in 1986, "trust, but verify."

Take the time to confirm what you hear....if it wasn't for my friend, Barry...I'd have believed what I saw on the news too...

Social media or the news is one thing, yet words of a trusted friend are another.

Find the people you trust in life and lean on them...


PS...who is an old friend you need to reconnect with this week, someone you have lost touch with that would be worth a text/call??

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