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  • trgoertzen

Stages of Life on a Saturday Night

This past Saturday night, my wife and I went to a local park to enjoy the near-perfect weather with our kids and our nephew.

While our kids played in the sand & water area, Steph and I sat back and observed the interactions around us. We watched the kids play in the sand and water, building and constructing dams and waterways...Our kids are now at the age that they can play together as we enjoy our conversations and time.

Shortly after arriving at the park, small groups of high school students dressed to the nines in fancy dresses and tuxes came. A local high school had its Homecoming dance, and the young people took pictures with their friends and family. Following closely behind each group of youth were their parents. Helping with clothing issues, holding the corsage, and snapping photos.

Not long after this, we had a young family show up at the sand/water feature with a newborn and three small children.

As the young people and their parents moved on, we noticed an older adult couple sitting on a large rock. They looked like the grandparents of one of the students there for the Homecoming pictures. One can only imagine what was going through their minds as they watched the spectacle.

All the phases of parenthood surrounded Steph and me like a live-action drama. From the early stages of infants and toddlers, our kids in grade school to the high schoolers and beyond.

As parents, we do our best to develop our kids into God-honoring young people. We strive to model Christlike behaviors to one another and our community. We are fully aware that there are no guarantees for our kids and the paths they take in life.

Proverbs tells us, "Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it."

Seeing all aspects of life before us, we know the importance of embracing each stage of our kids and our own lives as they are. God has us where He wants us at this very moment.

My job as a dad is to be in the moment with the situations and opportunities I have.

I made a career change to free my mind and heart to be a more stable husband and dad. I must be willing to act on those changes and be the husband and father God has allowed me to be.

It is easy for me to get caught up in my own goals and passions. To do what I want, when I want. To serve my purposes and forget about my family and community.

Seeing the generations fanned out in front of me at the park was a good reminder of the speed at which life moves and the importance of embracing and taking action when possible.

Fewer excuses and more action.

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