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Sunday night posting & Cameron Hanes

It's Sunday night, and I committed to posting each week on Monday.

I've been as busy as ever, and I don't have anything valuable to share this week.

So, here goes...

I have been letting some little life things slip with my daily habits.

My bible reading is off base;

I've been staying up too late to stay caught up with work; My adjunct professor job is getting behind too.

Nebraska football is terrible.

My knees hurt overnight, and I don't sleep well.

Deer season is a week in, and I've gotten out once with my bow.

I let the negative news & world around me impact my attitude way too much.


I read a passage in church today that made me pause:

I am forgotten as though I were dead;

I have become like broken pottery. Psalm 31:12


I'm sure I'm not the first to feel like they're underperforming and need to step it up or that has allowed the "noise" around them to distract from things that matter.

That is me now. I need to refocus on a few key areas.

My relationship with Jesus.

Being a better husband and father.

Serving the community around me.


Get after life. Refocus and start with the little things.

I recently read a book by Cameron Hanes - Endure

If you need a message that will kick you in the pants and help motivate you. This is the book. A true story of a man who has found a way to truly be committed to what he is after.

Sacrifice after sacrifice to achieve his goals.

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