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Thinking the Worst


"When we don't know, we think the worst."

One of the most significant challenges we face as people is unknowns...I believe we all want to know and understand what is going on around us. We need to feel like we get it and understand the WHY of what is happening. Yet, we recognize, there are times when we don't have access to or are not given the why in situations. Why was a student more snarky today than usual? Why did my colleague not respond to me as they usually do? Why did that interaction go south so fast? We can look back at situations and wonder how things went sideways when that was never the intent.

My oldest son, Luke, was recently pulled during the middle of his baseball game while playing second base. I was upset and a little annoyed at the coach for pulling him; I didn't understand his thinking or decision-making. There was a moment when I wanted to go over and question the coach in the middle of the game. I wanted to project my boy's confidence and correct my perceived wrongdoing...I am grateful to my wife for helping me keep a calm mind and stay in my seat. Later that night, the coach communicated with us on his decision. I may not still love it, but I get it. AND, the reality was that the coach was right!

As a leader, I try always to have a mindset of "assume positive intent" assume the best in everyone and their decisions. Does it fail at times, YES it does...yet, by choosing to "assume positive intent," we give ourselves the best shot at keeping joy and positivity upfront in our minds. Surrounding oneself with others who hold the same value makes this mindset much more attainable too.

I heard it said back in August that this year would be more challenging than last year...I laughed! I'm not laughing anymore. This year has been challenging....and it's only October!

So what do we do?

I believe we start by assuming positive intent with one another and always looking to understand one another.

If we don't know, ask. We think the worst when we don't know.

We all want that mindset gifted to us and provided to us... let's do our best to give it to others...students, colleagues, and families.

Be ok with things not being perfect (this is a hard one for me). As much as we want our days to run as planned and all activities to be perfect, they rarely are...I also believe we should prepare for perfection; when we prepare and are ready for what we know is coming, handling the unknowns is much more manageable.

I am grateful to each of you. Truly grateful.

Onward & Upward


If you want to do some more reading on "assume positive intent," a few articles are below.

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