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Time Away

And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed. Mark 1:35

The man who walks on water and raises people from the dead gave us all an example of the importance of taking time away from the race of life to have quite, sustained time away.

Time to rest.

In a constantly turned-on world, time away will allow us to be our best, entirely focused and ready for life ahead.

God was helping us when He instilled the Sabbath, a time of rest. A time when we are asked to break from the strain of life and rest in the presence of God and rest our bodies and minds. Yes, in our modern era, many are not using their bodies the same way they did for thousands of years, yet rest can mean many things to you.

A break from the constant comparison that social media puts upon us, a rest from the physical stress of a job, and a time to allow the mind to think about things other than our work.

I once sat in a class on the Sabbath that talked about how a Sabbath is very personal and individual to us all.

What allows you to "rest" is what the heart of the practice is after. For some, a nap on a Sunday or a jog may be the thing that allows your mind to clear and your heart to be complete and ready for service.

Research is clear that a mind that is constantly turned on is not effective.

Here are a few ways you might find beneficial for "rest"....

-A Nap



-Bible study

-Listening to music

-Working on a puzzle


-Reading a book

-Painting & drawing

-Quit drive down a gravel road

I encourage all to give yourself permission to allow your mind to step back from work and find a place of peace and calm.

To rest.

Steph and I are taking some of that time away this week. A trip to the beaches of Mexico to recharge and be out best for our family.

I believe time away with your spouse is extremely important.

Our bonds are strengthened and solidified when we focus on each other.

As a young wrestling coach, who was devoting hour upon hour to teaching and coaching early in my career, I had a mentor and wise head coach, Coach Serbousek, tell me that the greatest gift I will ever give my kids is to love their mother. It is from the tutlidge and advice of older, wise men like Tim that I attribute many of the positive learnings in my life.

Steph also turns 40 this week!

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