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Training for failure & Creating Chaos

Updated: Sep 14, 2022

We all know that we learn more from failure than anything else.

But what if how we train and prepare, with failure in mind, can lead to success?

History is our greatest teacher, and learning from the lessons of those before us can teach much.

In 1911 explorers Roald Amundson & Robert Scott both were on a quest for the South Pole. Both leaders had funding and resources...By many accounts, they had equal opportunity to be successful. In the end, Amundson made it to the South Pole first with Scott arriving 34 days later. BUT it was the return trip that set the final difference. Amundsons crew all survived, whereas ALL of Scott's team died.

Roald Scott and members of his team.

Amundson had a practice on planning for the worst and preparing for the worst. He had a habit of putting himself in challenging and difficult situations to learn how to manage if/when things went south.

"Amundsen planned for everything going wrong, while Scott relied on everything going right." - Hansen

For example, Amundsen took the time in advance to investigate all possible food options and weather considerations before the trip. He trained to failure.

Roald Amundsen

He intentional put himself in horrible weather conditions so that he knew how to handle potential challenges during the expedition. He took the time to train and prepare for all potential scenarios.

Create your chaos

I have long been a fan of putting myself in challenging and difficult environments...I want to know that I can survive when life gets hard.

From solo camping trips, ultra-marathons, wading rivers & running trails in subzero weather.

When you create your chaos and endure through it...the difficult situations in life that come unexpectedly are easier to handle.

As a principal, I'd intentionally not sleep some nights and then go to work so that I knew I could handle those unexpected times when I had no choice.

Training your mind and body to handle difficult situations allows you to manage them better when you have no choice.

Roald Amundson & Robert Scott both new the risks of polar exploration, but only one took the time to fully understand and prepare for the adventure ahead.

Thus the challenge for us in our leadership journey. How will we prepare for when life gets difficult. How will be embrace potential failure and learn from it and grow within.

Create some chaos in your life and see what you are made of.

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