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  • trgoertzen

Walls & Tunnels


This weekend I went running on a trail I'd never been before. The trail was nothing special overall, but it did have an impressive wall midway I was moving (slowly) past the wall I looked ahead and noticed I'd next be going through a tunnel. After passing under the tunnel there was a path around the wall and to a different section of the trail. It struck me how often we see walls with no way around them. We see obstacles and challenges that in our current viewpoint are unpassable. Yet, when we pass through the tunnel, new options appear. I know it's kind of hokey...

BUT, we are starting off week two at SHMS and I'm so proud of the start we have had. We have the most talented and hard-working staff that a school can dream of. There is nothing our team will not be able to achieve when we are rallying our talents and skills together.

As you prepare for the second week and if you are already seeing some walls form, challenges arising….step back, seek some support, and move ahead through the tunnel to a new path. You got this! and if you don't, cool, there are a lot of folks around that want to help.

If you need a little motivation, take some wisdom from Coach Lasso, “Hey, takin’ on a challenge is a lot like ridin’ a horse. If you’re comfortable while you’re doin’ it, you’re probably doin’ it wrong.”

Thanks for loving kids & soak up the awkwardness of middle school!


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