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  • trgoertzen

Water heaters have all the power

Our family water heater died last week. It was a sudden and unexpected death. We spent 13yrs together, and then it was time.

The song that came to mind as I watched the water heater slowly die!

I was lucky enough to be in the basement when it happened...and it happened fast.

A loud "whoosh!!" and then the sound of a waterfall, but not the pleasant kind you hear when hiking and walking up to a stream and you hear a peaceful flow of water....this was the "oh crap, I better get moving right now, kind of sound!!"

As I opened the doors to the small room the water heater was nestled, I could see the water flowing like Multnomah Falls from underneath; the whole bottom had collapsed. I quickly turned off the water supply and thanked the Good Lord I was in the basement when it happened, or we'd have experienced a pool party later!

The repair man came and joked that there are two situations when water heaters are replaced.

  1. When the homeowner sees the signs and gets a new one when they want to get a new water heater.


2. When the water heater decides its time to be replaced, which often happens at the most inopportune times.

Stevie Wonder comes to mind when I look at the new appliance!

So, the moral of the story....if you know you need a new water heater, get a new water heater....or hang out near it and hope you are close enough to turn the water off!


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