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  • trgoertzen

Why I left the principalship for Esports!?!

This year I left school administration to join an esports company. After 17yrs in public education, 6yrs as an administrator, and preparing to open a brand new building where I'd have had a sweet bronze plaque with my name on it...I left.

I left because I needed to.

I left because I had lost who I was as a man.

I left because I was no longer the father I was called to be.

I left because I was not the husband I needed to be.

I left because I was lost.

As one looks at success in school leadership... I was trajectory was strong and moving in a great direction. But it wasn't. I wasn't.

Awards & recognitions are great, yet at the core of who I am as a child of God, I was not well. My relationships with staff, students, and families were great. I loved my school community and all I served alongside. YET....I was not well.

My soul was broken and a change was needed. 17yrs on the front lines and it was time to step back...not away from education, but in a new direction and with new marching orders.

Esports...yes, I chose esports; or shall I say, it chose me.

More to come...

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