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  • trgoertzen

You Matter


Never forget the work you do matters.

At the risk of sounding cliche, YOU MATTER.

On my trail run Sunday, I came across a field that had recently been burned in a prescribed burn. Grasslands are frequently subjected to controlled burning to allow for the old, dead grasses to be eliminated, making room for new germination (I’m sure there is a more scientific explanation too).

It’s a renewal!

I hope you can experience some renewal after spring break. We learn, adjust and grow. We are not perfect, yet we continually work to be renewed as we go through challenging situations and experiences.

Greatness occurs when like-minded people believe that together they can accomplish anything....when they believe that our kids can accomplish anything. Think Collective Efficacy...

Surround yourself with those that help you and keep you renewed....ditch the rest!

Thanks for loving kids and being an incredible group of professionals!


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